Tourism represents one of the most important activities in the world. If we analyze countries such as France, the United States, Spain, China, Portugal, Italy, Greece, among others tourism represents one of their main revenue activities promoting social, environmental and economic benefits. In this scenario, we cannot forget that tourism represents a sector of the economy that has always stood out in Brazil, after all, some brazilian cities are world known mainly Rio de Janeiro known as the Marvelous City.

Many people believe that tourism is just about traveling, joy, sun, beach, gastronomy, visiting tourist spots, meeting interesting people, staying in good hotels and enjoying all the good things that life has to offer, but doing tourism also represents a very serious personal planning, after all there are many aspects that we must analyze, such as:
- Period of travel.
- Decision of which travel agency to hire.
- Selection of the destination.
- Documents required according to the chosen destination, such as passport, visa, among others.
- Documents required according to the chosen destination, such as passport, visa, among others.
- Number of days in the chosen destination.
- What kind of clothes to take.
- What hotel to stay.
- Evaluation of the best transport to move around in the destination.
- Definition of the itinerary.
- Definition of the amount of money you can spend in the chosen destination.
In this planning, it`s not possible to forget that the tourist will be in an unknown city and in certain cases with a culture, habits and languages that are totally different from his reality and in this case he will need help of a professional to back him up and to present a personalized itinerary, according to the tastes and inspirations of the client and provide unforgettable experiences.
But is it important to hire a tour guide? It is really important because the time represents one of the most valuable resources of human being. Every minute/ hour/ day of our life cannot be redeemed and when talk about tourism every minute worths gold therefore all professionals involved in this noble activity, especially the tour guide, must be committed to provide the best experience, a unique moment to be remembered forever.

Miguel Angel Córdoba: founding partner of the Xperiencer Tour Brazil at Pedra da Tartaruga.
Last but not least, it is worth to mention that tourism represents one of the most impactful activities in human life and we can only delegate the responsibility of this special moment to the hands of trained and certified professionals.
As a university professor of tourism and hospitality as a professional who has worked for many years in the hotel industry but mainly as a lover of tourism I suggest you to be demanding when choosing your tour guide because this choice will decide what kind of experience you will have and you will remember for the rest of your life.
Movement is life and tourism is essential to feed the soul.
I hope you have a nice trip.
[…] pessoas encontrada no segmento do turismo é maravilhosa e por este motivo é imprescindível que o guia de turismo esteja comprometido em respeitar as diferenças relacionadas à: cultura, etnia, religião, idade, gênero e orientações sexuais. Respeitar às […]
[…] Ao abordar a figura do guia de turismo devemos analisar qual o perfil ideal para tornar os sonhos dos clientes. Em primeiro lugar como condição básica e inegociável, o guia deve possuir certificação oficial da EMBRATUR para legitimar seu trabalho e garantir aos turistas que este profissional desenvolveu todas as competências (conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes) necessárias para desenvolver suas atividades. Um guia certificado irá proporcionar um serviço de melhor qualidade de serviço e maior segurança…. […]
[…] nos dias chuvosos o visitante poderá ter uma experiência incrível e neste sentido o papel do guia de turismo é fundamental a fim de criar opções de roteiros para entreter o visitante, dentre os quais […]
[…] certificação, conforme já citado em outro texto do blog “A Importância de contratar um Guia Certificado”, é obrigatória, porém além da formação técnica devemos lembrar que a profissão de guia […]