Due to the multicultural nature of tourism, one of the greatest benefits and also a challenge for tourism professionals is dealing with people with such different profiles.
The diversity of people found in the tourism is wonderful and for this reason it is imperative that the tour guide is committed to respecting differences related to: culture, ethnicity, religion, age, gender and sexual orientation. Respecting differences will make it possible to develop a personalized and, above all, humanized service.

When talk about the topic of ecotourism or adventure tourism, we realize that in the videos, photos and even in marketing campaigns, most of the time beautiful, young and physically fit people are portrayed. But we need do think about the people that are excluded from this “standard of beauty”?
Tourism needs to be used as an instrument to create opportunities to improve people’s quality of life, encourage them to leave their comfort zone, overcome their limits, increase their network of relationships and enable the exchange of experience and knowledge among the most diverse people. The brazilian people are made up of different nations and cultures and thanks to our hospitable spirit we welcome everyone regardless of the differences.

When international tourists decide to come to Brazil, they are aware that they will find more than natural beauties, a pleasant climate, an amazing gastronomy but also a country where all people are well received, or rather, welcomed and respected.
Accepting diversity in tourism represents more than increasing the profits it is a matter of respect for the human being.