We can say that Rio de Janeiro represents one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the world, but how did the title “Wonderful City” come about? Let’s present some possibilities:
- In February 1904, this expression was recorded in the newspaper “O Paiz”, during the Carnival of Rio.
- Then, in 1908, this expression was used by the writer Coelho Neto, in the newspaper “A Notícia”. Later on, a lot of journalists, writers and even poets used this expression to refer to our city.
- Later, in 1935, the expression was used by the composer André Filho, in the creation of the Carnival song (Marchinha), called “Cidade Maravilhosa (Wonderful City)”. The song was so popular at the time that it became “the Official Hymn of the old State of Guanabara”.

But why the title “Wonderful City”? Let’s try to present some of the reasons here:
The internationally famous hospitality of the people of this incredible city, who are always willing to make visitors feel at home. Tourists are always welcomed with open arms by our people, who stand out for their kindness, friendliness, generosity, respect for diversity and easy smiles. City residents have a special way to connect with visitors, share their stories, and show the best of the city. The carioca (people who live in the city of Rio de Janeiro) is an excellent host and this characteristic is part of the authenticity of our metropolis.

If there was a list of places that people should visit, at least once in their lifetime, I would say that the city of Rio should be among the top options. Our metropolis has been blessed with a unique natural beauty, so that within the same city, we can find paradisiacal beaches with blue waters, lagoons, parks, Atlantic Forest reserves and even waterfalls, all within our urban perimeter. If you are a tourist and want to enjoy nature in the Wonderful City, you will have difficult decisions to make, as there are many tourist attractions to visit, such as:
Horto Florestal.
Botanical Garden.
Chico Mendes Park.
Catacumba Park
Lage Park.
Copacabana Beach.
Ipanema Beach.
Pedra Bonita.
Grumari Beach.
Prainha Beach.
Burle Marx Site.

Here, the visitor will be able to witness amazing spectacles of nature, such as the sunrise of some very special locations:
- Two Brothers Hill.
- Telegraph Rock.
- Post 6 at Copacabana Beach.
- Red Beach.
- Chinese View
- The fine, white and soft sands.
- The waves sometimes gentle and sometimes strong.
- The tropical vegetation, where coconut trees stand out contrasting with the vastness of the blue sea and crystal clear waters.

And if you are looking for a special moment with someone, the sunset is a perfect option, and you can choose one of these places:
Fort of Copacabana.
Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon.
Urca Hill.
Urca Wall.
Sugar Loaf Mountain.
Ipanema Beach.
Arpoador Beach.
Barra da Tijuca Breakwater.

Rio de Janeiro is truly a “Marvelous City, full of a thousand charms and the heart of my Brazil”, as the hymn goes, so Xperiencer Tour Brazil is the perfect partner to explore the hospitality of our people and the natural beauties of our Wonderful City.