Favelas represent a crucial element in understanding the identity of our country. Recognizing this fact Xperiencer Tour Brazil offers to the tourists an unique opportunity to experience the heart of the favela.
The demographic survey, carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, identified 16,390,815 inhabitants in the country in 12,348 favelas, distributed across 656 municipalities. Among the favelas in Brazil we can highlight:
- Rocinha – City of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) with 72.021 residents.
- Sol Nascente – City of Brasília (DF) with 70.908 residents.
- Paraisópolis – City of São Paulo (SP) with 58.527 residents.
- Cidade de Deus/Alfredo Nascimento – City of Manaus (AM) with 55.821 residents.
- Rio das Pedras – City of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) with 55.653 residents.
- Heliópolis – City of São Paulo (SP) with 55.583 residents.
- São Lucas Community – City of Manaus (AM) with 53.674 residents.
- Coroadinho – City of São Luís (MA) with 51.050 residents.
- Baixadas da Estrada Nova Jurunas – City of Belém (PA) with 43.105 residents.
- Beiru / Tancredo Neves – City of Salvador (BA) with 38.871 residents.
- Pernambués – City of Salvador (BA) with 35.110 residents.
- Zumbi dos Palmares/Nova Luz – City of Manaus (AM) with 34.706 residents.
- Santa Etelvina – City of Manaus (AM) with 33.031 residents.
- Baixadas da Condor – City of Belém (PA) with 31.321 residents.
- Colônia Terra Nova – City of Manaus (AM) with 30.142 residents.
- Jacarezinho – City of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) with 29.766 residents.
- Vila São Pedro – City of São Bernardo do Campo (SP) with 28.466
- Cidade Olímpica – City of São Luís (MA) with 27.326 residents.
- Chafik / Macuco – City of Mauá (SP) with 26.835 residents.
- Grande Vitória – City of Manaus (AM) with 26.733.

Rio de Janeiro is a city brimming with so many attractions that choosing the ones that will captivate tourists becomes a very difficult task. This incredible metropolis presents residents and visitors alike with an astounding diversity of natural and man-made wonders, such as Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf Mountain, Tijuca Forest, Tijuca Islands, Pedra da Gávea, and the Botanical Garden, among countless others. Our marvelous city presents numerous favelas included in its tourist itineraries, such as Vidigal, Rocinha, Dona Marta and Tavares Bastos. Actually tourism represents a powerful instrument for improving the quality of life of favela`s residents and offering an unforgettable experience for the visitors.

The unique approach of Xperiencer Tour Brazil allows tourists to spend a some hours in a favela, enabling them to:
- Break down the stereotypes and understand the reality of Favela.
- Use the favela’s mototaxi service like the local residents.
- Experience Brazilian hospitality.
- Gain insights into the daily lives of residents.
- Support social projects.
- Explore the tourist attractions.
- Admire the breathtaking views from favela`s viewpoints.
- Discover the cultural expressions of local residents.
- To taste the local delicacies.

Visiting a favela will be also a life-changing experience especially with Xperiencer Tour Brazil because we provide a local tour guide who lives in the favela ensuring an authentic (a reality tour) and unforgettable experience as he shares his personal insights and perspectives about the life within the favela.